Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Readings for November 8th

ACK! Sorry, gang - apparently, I never posted what I wrote on Monday. I'm super sorry!

Easy week for reading - just Juan & Eva Perón (p. 333). In light of this, you should start reading Persepolis. If you're wondering how to read it, try to look at each small section and think what the main theme is. Also, check out the study guide on Carmen.

In section, we're going to talk a little bit about the way Enlightenment ideas evolved and changed, and I'm also going to give you a 5-6 minute introduction on the Iranian Revolution to help you contextualize the graphic novel.


What did Juan Perón suggest needed to be in done in order to strengthen Argentina? What was his idea of social security? How did Eva Perón see the difference between feminism and the masculinization of women - how could their lives be improved?

ACTIVITY - due by 8:00am on Thursday, November 8th (note the difference!)

This one is all about helping you with review. I know we've skimmed over some topics, so tell me three things that you don't understand or you think we need to go over more in section. Please tell me WHY you want to go over these things - what is it that is unclear specifically? It can be anything from the primary sources to people/events/places you think need to be explained more to topics where you're having trouble understanding what the main points are.


  1. Colleen Hile Th 11 30November 7, 2012 at 5:35 PM

    Colleen Hile Th 11 30
    1) I am still confused on the Partition of India a little because in section we discussed how it had a very violent side to it, yet in lecture we skimmed over the violent part and only focused on Ghandi. I am confused if we will need to know more details about how it was violent or will we just need to know that it was?
    2) Also, I am confused on the information about the FLN and what the letters mean. I did not hear the explanation in lecture. I know that it deals with Algeria and their war for independence, however I missed what the term FLN actually means and its significance during the war.
    3) Finally, I am still a little confused on Southeast Asia and how many of those countries became free. For example, we talked about the Dutch East Indies and the war there but I am still confused on that and Malaysia and if those are important places to remember for the exam. Also, I am still confused on Subhas Chandra Bose and what he did in India and getting Indian independence.

  2. I have had a lot of trouble figuring out the exact chronology of events proceeding, following, and in between the World Wars because I during the lecture it all seemed kind of jumbled up. I am also still pretty unsure as of the reasons behind the start of WWI, other than the high school textbook answer I already know which is the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

    The only other concern I really have is the ideas surrounding the events in the Persepolis book. I am about halfway through, but still pretty lost though I am sure this will be covered both tomorrow and in the study guide. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to voice our questions and concerns for our activity this week!

  3. Vicki F 11:30

    1. Who is John Maynard Keynes? Professor McDow keeps saying, “this is a lot like Keyenes” and things like that, but I have no clue who Keynes is. All I know is in my notes it says, “know John Maynard Keynes” in large red letters. I don’t know if I missed when he talked about him, but I figured I should clarify who exactly Keynes is if Professor McDow keeps bringing him up.

    2. I was a little confused about the iron curtain last week. After today (Wednesday’s) lecture I understand that it was just the idea of keeping communism contained. Is there more to it than that? Where was the line drawn, and how did they enforce it?

    3. Can you go over the Meiji Restoration again? The notes I have for it are very sporadic and don’t make a lot of sense, but then I have 4 stars next to it, and in capital letters I wrote “REALLY NEED TO KNOW THIS.” So obviously Professor McDow made a point to say that it was important, but I don’t have any explanatory notes about it.

  4. I'm sure we're going over the book more in section and lecture but I'm actually having trouble figuring it out/getting what I'm supposed to out of it. Could we maybe talk about some main points we should be getting out of it? I'm sure the context will help too.

    I saw that Vicki asked about the Meiji Restoration..I have the same problem there. I know Prof McDow said it was important but I don't actually know what happened or what I'm supposed to be remembering.

    I'm sure we'll go over the reading too but I didn't understand what Eva Peron was trying to say in 'The Home or The Factory.' I mean I understand her points but I don't understand the end argument. Is she saying women should go back to building homes or they should stay in the workforce or find a happy medium??

  5. Caroline H. 12:40 Thursday

    I was wondering if we could touch on how each of these historical events connect. I understand most of the world war things, but I am having a hard time keeping up with each lecture because we jump to different time periods/events so quickly. I know this sounds like a minor question. But I think it will help me for the final! However, it could just be how the class is set up. Thanks!

  6. 1. Can the United Fruit Company be explained more in order to fix my confusion about its role and its origin and so on. Moreover, I remember that professor McDow mentioned it with dictatorship, what's the relationship between it and the dictatorship.

    2. It will really be helpful if the Keynesianism is explained in details, because it helps consummate my understanding of world economical system around the World Wars. Also, I hope that the background knowledge of John Maynard Keynes can be mentioned in order to understand why and how his theory was formed.

    3. I have learned something about Fulgencio Batista as dictatorial leader of Cuba, but I am confused about the entire purpose of the Cuban Revolution, was that only for overwhelm the dictatorship? I did quite get the idea in today's lecture

  7. 1. Prof. McDow has mentioned Keynesianism/Keynes several times and I don't know if I missed the explanation but I'm not entirely sure why this idea is so important to WWI/WWII.

    2.The importance of The River Between--I think I got thrown off by the names and the style of the novel but I'm still a little confused as to how it fits with the bigger picture of the things we've covered in lecture.

    3.I missed the lecture on the partition of India, how India became free, etc. I know a little about the partitioning and how it divided ethnic groups that weren't supposed to be together but I get confused on the chronology of these events.

  8. 1) Professor McDow wrote the word "AUTARKY" on the board several times during the lecture about The Great Depression. I am confused what this word actually means. I assume it is very important but I do not see how it relates to the lecture. I want to go over this concept so that I can connect all the pieces and fully understand the big picture of Prof. McDow's lectures.

    2) In class, we talked a lot about the "crisis of modernity". I understand that modernity refers to the changes over the course of the 19th century, however, I do not understand why we are referring to these changes as a "crisis". If I knew the reason we call this a "crisis", I think I would understand the whole of modernity better.

    3)I am also having trouble with African Decolonization. I wrote down that between 1964-1965 most African colonies are free. I also have written that white settler colonies in Africa are not free? Is this right? Or did I write down the wrong thing? I think if this was clarified, I would understand my notes much better.

  9. 1. As Caroline stated, I am having a little trouble keeping up with everything because it appears as if we are touching on so many events and hopping all over the place. I think if we could kind of make a big, but extremely brief concept map or something maybe things would be more clear to me. I have just been telling myself I will wait until I get the final exam study guide and the paper assignment to test what I understand and don't understand because at this point I can not pick out the main ideas, so it is kind of hard for me to determine what I even need more explanation on.
    2. Reviewing the Meiji Restoration would be fantastic because I do not have a lot in my notes about this event either.
    3. I too would like to know more about Keynes. Sometimes I wonder if it is assumed we know more background information than we actually do, or if I am the only one that doesn't know much if anything about some of the topics Professor McDow references.

  10. Firstly, I really want to know the term “Monroe Doctrine” in today’s lecture and Prof. McDow also talks about “sphere of influence”, I really want to know their connections. I feel like I miss this point today.

    When Prof. McDow mentioned Decolonization in Southeast Asia, he uses Vietnam as example and talks about Ho Chi Minh and his influence. Can you review this a little bit, I wrote down a lot of details and I could not catch the main point. In addition, could you help us summarize the main influence and achievements for different countries in Decolonization? There are a lot countries involved into this and it really hard to distinguish them.

    The last question is about today’s reading. Could you please give us more background in formations about Argentina at that time? What makes Juan and Eva pay that much attention on women and their living conditions, and how do they solve this problem in later time?

  11. 1. Can you explain more about the relationship among India, Israel, and Pakistan? I am a little confused by their conflicts and negotiations.

    2. The professor talked about CIA which is a liberation army, I am wondering if you can say more about which events that CIA involved in at that time?

    3. On Wednesday’s lecture, after Fulgencio Batista, Fidel Castro, the professor mentioned another person named Ernesto. I want to know who that is and what is his particular connection with Fidel Castro?

  12. 1. TThe United Fruit Company is still confusing for me. I have somewhat of an idea as to what went into this but I would like to be a bit more clear on what exactly happened and who was involved and what the outcomes were(i.e. who was affected and how).

    2.I am still don't have much of an idea about the Meiji Restoration. Can we completely review this.

    3. I know we have not gotten to Persepolis yet but could we hit on the points of common themes between this and A River Between. I know we have a broad understanding but I really want to get a bit more specific with it. When writing the paper I would rather have a more clear understanding as to how the two relate and what they share.

  13. 1. I am confused about the Fulgencio Batista and Findel Castro and how they relate

    2. The United Fruit Company.

    3. I dont understand the Meiji Restoration. Can you explain it more in detail?

    Tran Nguyen

  14. 1. In lecture Prof. McDow briefly went over Congo and their sudden gain of independence. How did this sudden independence occur and why was it important to the U.S. and NATO allies that Lumumba was removed from his position?
    2. There seems to be several examples in which the United States intervened in other countries and removed a democratically elected leader (Lumumba, Arbenz, etc.). Did the U.S. have to or try to justify their actions to the people of those countries or even the American people?
    3. Prof. McDow talked about the partition of Palestine and the partition plan that had been drawn up, however, was never adopted. What were the reasons this plan was not adopted?

  15. 1. I don't understand what that FLN abbreviation is, what it means, or anything like that. I know he wrote it on the board so it must be somewhat important, so it would be nice to know.

    2. I know you addressed this in recitation already, but I still would like to know more about the details about WW 1&2, because all I understand of them is from what I learned in high school about it, and that's just bits and pieces of things, so clearing that all up would help a lot.

    3. Prof. McDow had mentioned that during the decolonization of Africa at first it was not to some of the countries to want their own independence, and would rather stay as a colony to their respective European countries. Why was this, because I didn't quite get why they would think like this when their land was taken from them in the first place?

  16. National Liberation Front (FLN) is a socialist political party in Algeria. Many categorize the FLN as a radical terrorist group during the Algerian war (1954, independance from France)for the heavy use of bombings, terrorism, and guerrilla tactics killling many French natives living in Algeria at the time. It's important to note, that all the Algerian people were not involve with the FLN, it was a group of nationalist fighting for the independance of Algeria.

    But that is all I know about the FLN. Should we know more about the FLN? prof. McDow did wirte it on the board.... so could we expect it on the final? maybe we should go into a little deeper discussion about the FLN in section if this is the case.


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